Our faith community believes
- in God, source of all, created and uncreated, abiding in grace and wisdom;
- in Jesus Christ, the Divine incarnation, sanctifying, inspiring and guiding all creation through love;
- in the Holy Spirit who constantly renews and connects, welcoming each of us to the eternal loving arms of God.
Though generally Christian in our beliefs and tradition, we welcome all people of faith as well as those who are not so sure. Whether a questioner, a doubter, a believer, or a none (nothing in particular), we welcome all to engage in the mystery of creation.
We pray, sing, reflect, share questions, joys and concerns, in worship, small groups and fellowship, keep the sacraments of baptism and communion, care for one another in faith, hope and love.
St Helena United Methodist Church seeks to serve our divine purpose as a community of faith through God’s grace, Christ’s love and the continual unfolding of the spirit.