
Your Wedding Here

Regardless of Your Church Membership

Sanctuary Space

The beauty of simple stained glass windows and the classic architecture support a sacred space for your ritual.  Our sanctuary accomodates approximately 85  with an adjoining overflow room that seats another 40 persons.

Pastoral Support

Weddings are performed by the pastor of the church.  The pastor will meet with the couple at least twice before the ceremony for preparation.  If there are additional clergy in your life whom you would like to be included in the service, please let the pastor know on your application.

County/State Marriage Requirements

Online Application

Couples wishing to obtain a marriage license from the Napa County clerk can now complete the application for the license on the county’s website, www.CountyOfNapa.org .  (This is just an option for people who wish to speed up the process. Staff can still manually create a license for couples.)  If you submit an application for a Marriage License on-line, the information will remain in the computer for just fourteen days.  Both people still need to appear at the Office of the Napa County Clerk within fourteen days of submitting the on-line application. The information entered into the county’s secure website is ready when the couple appear in person to obtain their license.

Application at County Clerk’s Office

Both people need to go to the Napa County Clerk’s office and complete the paperwork to obtain a marriage license.


Please consult the Napa County website or call John Tuteur, Napa County Clerk (707) 253-4459 for details (e.g., fee for the marriage license, time restrictions, witness requirements).